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You should not worry about getting an insurance policy, we offer you our site so you can choose the one you need.

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Our vision is to achieve and meet every need of our customers. Being able to provide each product to your need, achieving peace of mind, security and confidence by being able to count on us at all necessary times, without having to look for alternatives outside our office.


Our mission is to make your safety our priority, to help you live with peace of mind and confidence in the event of an unexpected event, in order to meet your insurance needs, in relation to the risks to which you may be exposed. You are our number one customer, we strive for personalized service and treat you like the important person you are.

About us

We seek the best solution for our clients

At Disdier Insurance we work with care and dedication for each of our clients in a personalized way. We are dedicated to Health, International Health, Auto, Home, Business, Travel, Life and Disability insurance, among others; standing out in Personal and Business accounts. We have 31 years of experience, knowing the behavior of the Insurance Industry. We are the support of each of our clients in case of an eventuality. Working the risk for you and we give you a hand to resolve your situation in the most diligent way.
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2164 Central Parkway
Deland. FL. 32724
 United States
+1 (407) 371-7444
Email: contact@disdierinsurance.com
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